
Saturday, May 31, 2014

I need to take some pictures of my stuff. I need to get in the mood to do this...but unfortunately, I sat done and I'm afraid the moment has passed. Maybe in the morning. When it's cool.

I feel like knitting something. Or crocheting. Either one. But I'd have to stand up to get some yarn. Scratch that.

I'm looking at my craft table with tons 'o beads all over it...nope. No inspiration there eith...
er. Oh...look...hand lotion!

Oh crap! It's time to make my to 'do list!' I make one on June 1st as the official 'Daily Gotta Get This Shit Done For the Mountain Country Christmas Craft Show in December' countdown. You know how organized I am...

This is how I do it. First and foremost - pen and paper (or Open Office text document). Second - Calendar. No, wait...printable monthly calendar...good grief. It's been almost a year since I've done this. OK...Wait. I was right the first time...pen and paper.

Now...what do I want to make. Decisions, decisions. Jewelry. Of course. Hats. My specialty. Ornaments. I love making ornaments. Felt folk artsy ornaments. And cute. They have to be cute. And all handmade. Hand stitched. With lots of character. And stockings. Cute with character. (catchy name...gotta write that down...). And I need something more...something interesting that no one else will have. I must put thought into this...unless of course...YOU all have some ideas?!?! many of each...just as a goal. 30 necklaces, minimum, in addition to earrings and possibly a few bracelets this year. And 30 start with. 100+ ornaments and 30 stockings.

And if you have read any of my past posts on this will see that, oh, maybe 5 years ago I started making some teddy bears?? Of which I have never fished not one of them?? Perhaps this is the year of...The Teddy Bear! Brilliant!! for the calendar. Six months stretched out in front of me. Six long months. I can certainly divide my 'goal projects' into these months and have time to spare. Do you realize how fast these months will go by? I still remember when I was going to party like it was 1999! Six months...

I only need to make 5 necklaces..a MONTH! 5 hats a MONTH! 5 stockings a MONTH! Crap! A monkey could do THAT!! And that's starting June 1st. I have a whole day and a half before I even have to think about this!

By now, I know you see where this is going. I'll start out fine...and a day or two before the show I'll be kicking myself in the ass for being a lazy no count. My plans are good. Sincere. But I'll make a deal with you...I'll work out the calendar and keep you posted on my progress. Whether you want to know it or not.
Remember...this blog is all about me!!

Have a great day!!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Sometimes you just need a jellybean...

Sometimes you just need a jellybean...

Like now, for instance. There they are. Little bitty jellybeans. Sitting that that little bitty bowl...screaming my name. There are only six of them. All together they don't equal one big jelly bean. I mean...they are probably all covered with dust and stuff. And they are fruity flavors. I'm pretty sure. Yellow and orange and red. Two of each.

I just dumped them all in my mouth. No more pressure.

I have many things to do today. I'm making necklaces. I have this creative thing going on and me thinks the smartest thing to do is....type this out and get the hell off FB. Quickly before this feeling passes. Perhaps I'll post a photo later...not just to prove I did something...but for your valued opinion.

I think there was dust on the jellybeans. Quite a bit of it, actually. I'm not getting the effect I was hoping for. I think I need to wash my mouth out with a sugar free Peep.

OK...I'm leaving now. Have a great afternoon...Off to string some beads....

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

This is a bit strange. I'm used to the 'other' blog setup. This is great, don't get me wrong...I'll just have to 'speriment with it.

Wow! Blog Day 2! I am on a roll...and what a beautiful day it is. This is why I love Alpine. I have not regretted a day since I moved here. Well...that's not true. There have a couple that I'd trade back in...but Alpine wasn't the problem.

I have been writing a bl...
og for a few years, but I just stopped a year or so back and hadn't felt inclined to type again until a few days ago.

I don't write about political or religious things...that's my business. That's your business. I do 'like' lots of, crafts, food, books, food, drama, stress...and this printed material is for reading pleasure only. Mostly mine. I like to joke, splash a bit of sarcasm, put a spin on the serious. I care, I think, I respect...but I also want the rest of my life, such that it is, to reek of my own personality. I'm quite bitchy. I swear like a pirate. I have diabetes, but I tend to tip the bottle every now and then. I don't eat nearly as many Krispy Kremes as I lead you to believe. I would if I could. I love America. I'll fight till last my last breath for Veteran's rights. I believe in God. I love my family. I have made many difficult and stupid choices in my life. I have a hard time 'letting go'. I love my friends. I have a had time saying 'no'. I need a keeper.

I never proof read.

Have an awesome day. I use 'awesome' and 'amazing' way too much. Be safe and do something nice for someone.

Pay it forward... later

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 1 - the return...

If it's possible for me to actually continue to write this be it. I have no discipline, you know. I can write all day long, but to sit and actually write a letter to my family...nope. I'm purely pitiful. And of course it's possible. It's even's just sort of unlikely.

And I'm really doing it for me. I have zero memory so if I write down what I did...monumental! And I can always write down what I didn't do but merely thought of doing...but make it sound like I did it...I will have so busy, how could I possibly find the time to write about it!

Now that I have told you my plan...we'll just see how dedicated I am. And shit.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

...while I was beloved Tom in his favorite Christmas outfit...RIP

...back in the world of the living...sorta...

Well, well, well...I bet you thought I bought the farm, huh! Nope! I'm alive and moderately sick but back amongst the living and semi-productive in the world according to Daisy52.

So much has happened that I won't bore you with it, but suffice it to say...I am planning to recharge my life. I don't feel well most of the time, but I anticipate a change. I am having to slow my pace dramatically as far as physical exertion but will be applying myself in a more creative manner. I haven't had tons of time to work on artsy crafty things for quite a while so I am making a plan. I remember months ago, and I mean literally...months ago I posted in 'a July of some year' that I was making a list of things to accomplish daily in preparation for the annual Christmas craft show. I'm sorta going to do that again. Not so much for the craft show specifically, but for items I want to make to sell on line. I haven't made my felt ornaments in years. I've made some necklaces and earrings, but not nearly as many or as elaborate as I want to make. I want to produce volumes of hats....all of these things are my therapy and I need a lot of it!!

My diabetes has gotten worse and I find myself with no energy. I am angry about it...but things could be worse. A lot worse. So today is my new day. Today I have made 'the list'. Here's the funny part...there's not much I can do that's on it today. I'm in Albuquerque with 'Husband'. He is recovering from liver surgery and progressing nicely. He's had monumental health problems as well and is dealing with them.

This growing old shit is for the birds. I have decided to reverse this and will be aging no more after today. I refuse to look in a mirror ever again and will make dramatic changes to my person. I already cut all of my hair off. Less hair, less shampoo, less money spent...more money for craft stuff. It's a great plan. Trust me...

Night everyone! Have the best day ever....
